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Leaders on Campus



Leaders on campus

威尼斯9499采用校长/校长领导模式,提供第一选择的高中体验. While the president represents the school to the wider 社区, including alumni and prospective families, the principal handles the day-to-day academic and on-site operations.  

School Leadership





威尼斯9499坐落在一个美丽的22英亩的校园在东达拉斯白石湖南部. Campus amenities include the McGonigle 剧院, the Leyden Arts & Athletic Complex, Roffino Stadium, and McIngvale Field.




Not only is 主教(merrill 林奇) a great school for students, but it is also a great school to work at as well. 查看最新的就业机会,有机会加入威尼斯9499的忠实团队, caring and dedicated faculty and staff members.


成立于1963年, 林奇主教高中是达拉斯天主教教区的一所大学预科学校. 毕晓普林奇是德克萨斯州最大的男女混合私立学校,大约有1000名学生,010 students and sits on a beautiful 22-acre campus in East 达拉斯.  

学校的多明尼加传统以多明尼加生活的四大支柱为基础:祈祷, 研究, 社区, 和服务.   

With a vibrant campus ministry program; tailored learning levels (essentials, 常规的, 荣誉, and Advanced Placement); the BL 房屋系统 to increase pastoral care, student leadership opportunities and mentorship; and a new Christian service program, 主教(merrill 林奇) continues to deliver on its mission.  

主教(merrill 林奇)’s tagline is 相信. 归属感.BL一直致力于通过BL归属委员会(BL belonging Board)在校园创造一种归属感文化 & Dialogue programs and dialogue training for students, faculty and staff. 

Learn more about us! 

Our Heritage and History

We Are 主教(merrill 林奇)

In the early sixties, on the far eastern side of 达拉斯, 一些有进取心的教区牧师和家长创办了一所高中,旨在为各种各样的孩子服务——崭露头角的学者和有学习差异的孩子, athletes and thespians. All who sought truth and knowledge were welcomed. 从这个早期的愿景已经成长为一个真正杰出的天主教教育机构. Twice awarded the U.S. Department of Education’s Blue Ribbon Award for Excellence, 威尼斯9499现在与最好的私立学校齐头并进,为达拉斯及其郊区社区的年轻人提供服务.

In 1962, construction began on the high school. Located at 9750 Ferguson Road at Peavy, 主教(merrill 林奇) 高中 included four wings: the girls’ division; the boys’ division; the science laboratories; and the administration offices, 体育馆, 和食堂. 占地22英亩的校园还允许扩建两个运动场. 从1963年到1982年由多明尼加神父和修女管理, 1963年秋季开学,有365名大一和大二学生入学, construction of the plant continued. On Sunday, December 20, 1964, Bishop T.K. Gorman officiated at the dedication ceremony. In May of 1966, the first senior class of 103 students was graduated. 1969年,罗菲诺体育场建成,实现了从学校开办开始的梦想.



The Tradition of the Friar

Although the look may have changed through the years, 修士的象征已经成为林奇主教传统的重要组成部分. Originally seen as a round face, 的字符, the Friar began to undergo some changes in the mid-1980s. 许多运动队采用了一个更大的吉祥物版本,以恐吓对手. Later, in the early 1990s, the Friar's image was toned down a bit. Several years ago, 目前修士的形象被采用,展示了一个自信和最新的吉祥物.